while initializing. “Gestalt” is not installed in this system. Please upgrade to system 6.0.7 or higher.
while initializing authorization.
while setting up authorization.
This software can’t be run on a Lisa. Please use a Macintosh.
while setting up authorized software.
while specifying the expanded file.
You can’t save the expanded file with the same name as this running application. Please try again.
while enumerating the resources referenced in the software’s bundle resource.
while decompressing file.
No hard disk available for scratch file.
while verifying your authorization.
This software is compressed and can only run on a hard disk. Please copy this software to a hard disk and try again.
This software will only run from authorized hard disks. Please copy this software to an authorized hard disk and try again.
A previous attempt to expand this compressed software failed. Please install a fresh copy or restore from a backup.
The key diskette is a 1.4 megabyte floppy, but you inserted a different type of diskette. Please try again.
The key diskette is an 800k or 1.4 megabyte floppy, but you inserted a different type of diskette. Please try again.
The key diskette is a different type of diskette than the one you inserted. Please try again.
while copying resources from ^0 to ^1. Resource type ‘^2’, ID #^3 already exists in ^1. Please renumber this resource and try again.
This software is in use by another user.
A network error happened.
while validating the authorization.
This software will not run while the “KeyDisk TERMINATOR™ Extension” is installed. Please remove this system extension and reboot.
The volume you selected is not authorized. You must select an authorized volume prior to updating your access.
This software must be run from the authorized floppy diskette.
while loading libraries. The library named “^0” could not be found. Please install this library or contact customer support.
while resolving imports. The ‘hard’ import of “^0” could not be resolved. Please contact customer support.
while saving registration information.
System 7.0 or greater is required to run this software. Please upgrade your system and try again.
Couldn’t expand this compressed software due to an internal error.
In order to use this software, you must have a SCSI or IDE hard drive attached to your system. Please install a SCSI or IDE hard drive and try again.
The serial number you specified has already expired. You need a new serial number in order to use this software.
The hard drive you are using was originally initialized with an obsolete utility. Please update your hard disk with the latest drivers and try again.
This Macintosh computer either has no floppies installed or is incapable of key diskette based authorization. Please contact customer support for authorization alternatives.
The response you specified has already expired. You need a new response in order to use this software.